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Sable Otey

Position: Brakeman
Born: Pulaski County, Arkansas (January 23, 1987)
College: George Mason University
Previous Sport: Track and Field (hurdler and heptathlete)
Introduction to Bobsled: Her God-Brother randomly called her and suggested that she
try out for the team.
Scariest Part of the Sport: Traveling at fast speeds without a seat belt! Bobsleighs are
not built with seat belts, there would be no time to strap them on if there were! Holding
on and staying low is the way to go.
Ultimate Goal: Become an Olympic gold medalist







































I am a native of Memphis, TN.  My family, Reuben Otey (husband) and Amar'e Otey (3 year old son) and I, moved back to Memphis, TN in the summer of 2014.  We lived in San Diego, CA for 10 years due to my husband's military (United States Navy) duty station.  We have been married for 11 years and after 7 years of marriage, we were blessed with our beautiful son, Amar'e.  After my husband was honorably discharged from the service, I was provided with the opportunity to teach in Memphis.  I was skeptical about the job and moving back home, but deep down inside, I knew that this was a blessing from God.  I believed that this was happening for a reason, and so far, moving back home has been nothing but a blessing.  I have a successful, extensive background in coaching, injury prevention, post-injury training, pre-military training, post-pregnancy training, and special skills training. I am a teacher who has multiple responsibilities, from being a wife, mother, coach, mentor, and trainer.  I work with many individuals and athletes that have acute and/or chronic injuries.  Most injuries are hamstring related and usually occur due to improper pre-season training.  My goal outside of bobsled become successful with a Non-profit organization that provides optimum training sharing my knowledge through clinics, seminars, and through the services mentioned above. 


Prior to training for bobsled, my athletic goal was to go to the 2012 Olympic Trials in the 100meter hurdles.  Not only did I get pregnant months before the trials deadline, but I had little to no faith in myself, neither did I possess the confidence that I needed.  It was a consistent battle. Day in and day out, I was always thinking, " Who am I, who do I want to be?  I'm not good enough for this, I'm not good enough for that.  I'm scared."  People would always see my talents, and I would survive based upon their belief in me.  Every track meet, I'd look for others to tell me that I can do it, just to reassure myself that I had what it took to get the job done.  I was my worst critic, I was THE worst critic.


Although I took training very seriously and I worked extremely hard, that didn't matter because I would literally, mentally, take myself out of the competition before it even began.  I've now learned that, in order to have positive thoughts, I first needed to completely trust in God.  I have to truly believe that God is in control and he will help me overcome any obstacle.  I then had to surround myself with positive like-minded, and uplifting individuals.  I knew that if I was ever going to achieve something that I'd never achieved, I had to do something that I'd never done.  I've been listening to a motivational speaker by the name of Les Brown.  He says that, "In order to do something that you've never done, you have to be someone that you've never been"!  I am doing just that!  I finally gained the confidence to verbalize my dream and goals.  I know who I am, I know where I'm going, and I am good enough.  I finally faced my fear and told it that it is no longer the leader of my life.  Fear.... You will not continue to take me out!  You will not continue to hold me back!  Your time is over!  I believe!  I have faith!  I will be great!  I'm already great!  I am Olympic Hopeful!  I want to be an Olympian.  I am going to be an Olympian!  I believe in myself! 

The results of me finally believing in myself has landed me a position The USA Bobsled Team as a brakeman!  My job is to push the bobsled on the ice with maximum speed so that my pilot can have momentum to compete at higher speeds. 

It feels good to be doing something unforeseen!  It feels good to be doing something great!  And greater things will come if I continue to walk by faith!





























My husband and son fully supports my dream!  It feels good to have genuine support!
























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